
Legs - Bases

Choosing the best gridwall display legs and bases is crucial, because these will be the backbone of the gridwall that would hold your products. They are essential in the retail environment whether you are looking an accessory for seasonal or permanent displays. 
These gridwall display legs & bases are sturdy and portable. They are also very easy to assemble and set-up.

Ideal Gridwall Portable Displays

portable gridwall panel with T-Legs
portable gridwall panel with triangle base, includes casters
gridwall panel unit gondola
gridwall panel unit with 4 way gridwall base with casters

The amount of displays you can create by having gridwall panels + grid legs + connectors is endless!


The right gridwall portable display for you, will always depend on what you want to display, where you want your display and how. Let's dive into this explanation with a few examples:


- If you have just a few decor items to display and the space in your store is limited, you probably need the Gridwall T Legs Display, this one will give you two-sided displays and doesn't take much space.


- But let's say that you have a few more things to display and you want the tower to be able to move around to make your displays easier, then you probably want to check the Gridwall Triangle Base With Wheels.


- If  you have plenty merchandise you want to display, you definitely need something bigger, you can choose between the Gridwall Gondola Base With Levelers, or the 4 Way Gridwall Base With WheelsBoth of these have a four-sided display for a larger display, but what are the main differences?

The gridwall gondola base takes more space, while the 4 way gridwall base has a more compact design. Other than this, the 4 way base already has wheels included, while the gondola only has the option to add the clusters for better movement, but they must be bought separately.


Why Get Items Separately Instead Of Getting The Portable Grids?

portable grid panel unit's pack with connectors and a base

f you already have gridwall panels in your store and you are either not using them, or you want to give them a new use, that's when we strongly recommend to just grab the base you like, add the connectors, and set your own portable grid panel.


But appart from that, we also recommend getting more than one base, so you can change your display options everytime you want to!


Just like we told you at the beggining, display options are just endless!

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